

Explore Some Irresistible Tips to Spice Up Your Sex Life

Apr 22, 2024
When couples shift from intense love to companionate love, sex can suffer. This is because couples establish routines. It's this lack of novelty and excitement that kills the passion. So what's the key to a more fulfilling sex life that doesn't need unreasonable effort? Leave aside an additional 30 minutes each or every couple of nighttime and commit to bypassing your regular sexual script, and you'll most likely see some improvements. To get you feeling outside the square, here are some tips on how to spice up your sex life and to help break the monotony.

Mutual Masturbation

Try masturbating with your partner while they masturbate. Sit confronting each other, watch them and allow them to watch you.

Pre-Sex Massage

Dim the lights, ask them to lay on their stomach, and oil up (with a genital-friendly oil ). Creep closer toward their genitals, carefully massaging every little part that surrounds them.

Try Blindfolding

If they're open to it, have your partner blindfold themselves with a piece of cloth and ask them to lay on the bed with their limbs spread. This is your opportunity to explore their body, so get creative – you aren't limited to only using your hands.

Try A Sensate Focus Exercise

Set the room up with aromatized candles, dim lighting, soothing music, and clean bedsheets. Both of you should also have a warm shower so that you feel relaxed. Have your partner lie on the bed and touch them slowly while avoiding their genitals.

Buy New Sex Toys

The growing sex toy industry is filled with creations. From DIY penis molds to app-controlled vibrators, there's something new for everyone. Check the latest gadgets and give them a shot with your partner.

Enhance Your Environment

Light a scented candle and put on a sexy playlist to appeal to your partner's senses. Sex is a sensory adventure, so target them to get the love-making juices flowing.

Take Orgasms Off The Table

Removing orgasms changes your sexual interactions from goal-orientated to mindfulness-focused. Those who practice this form of sex rave about its ability to make a deeper state of intimacy with their partners.

What Are Sex Toys?

A sex toy is any object or device to improve sexual pleasure or facilitate an orgasm. When safely used, sex toys can bring an entirely new element to a sexual encounter. There are several different types of sex toys, and each is designed for a special form of pleasure and to spice up your sex life.

Types of Sex Toys

Sex toys come in many shapes and sizes but typically fall within seven categories.

Vibrators: These sex toys use vibration to stimulate various parts of your body. Internal vibrators are shaped for comfortable vaginal and anal penetration. External vibrators contain clitoral stimulators like bullet vibrators and wands which enhance joy.

Anal Toys: Some sex toys are specifically designed to stimulate the nerve endings in your anus. Examples of anal toys are butt plugs, anal beads, and prostate massagers. Don't forget to clean your anal toy after each use, especially if you share it with a partner or plan to use it on another part of your body.

BDSM Gear: BDSM toys can improve sexual pleasure by allowing for dominant and submissive roleplaying. If you are new to bondage, consider buying a pair of handcuffs, a blindfold, or wrist, and ankle restraints. If you enjoy erotic spanking, consider using paddles, whips, or ticklers. Trust and communication are key for good bondage play.

Dildos: They are designed to penetrate a vagina, anus, or mouth comfortably. Dildos come in many shapes and sizes, but they are often textured with pleasurable ribs or bumps and made of silicone, glass, and even steel.

Cock Rings: These toys wrap around the bottom of your penis to stop blood flow back into the body, which can assist in maintaining and enhancing an erection. Vibrating cock rings can enhance sexual pleasure for the wearer and provide clitoral stimulation for a partner.

How To Choose The Sex Toys

When choosing a sex toy, always choose skin-safe products made from silicone, toughened glass, metal, or ABS plastic. However, some are made from materials that may harm sexual health. Toys made with porous materials are difficult to clean and degrade over time, so avoid those and latex. Also, invest in a pH-balanced lubricant. People sometimes buy inappropriate products to resolve their issues, which they cannot use, so always find out which sex toy would be suitable; what you need depends on your health condition.

How To Use Couples Sex Toys

Couples' sex toys are a great solution if you wondering how to spice up your sex life, and both partners can use them during sex. It is important to select the right ones for you and your partner before using them.

Sex toys for couples come in a variety of designs and functions. One type of a couple's sex toy is a strap-on harness that either partner can wear. A dildo is designed to simulate the feel of a penis and comes in various fun colors and skin tones.

How To Clean Sex Toys

For nonporous silicone, clean using a mild soap and warm water or a wet, soapy washcloth. And if the toy is made with Cyberskin and Vinyl Clean with a small amount of mild soap, too much can break down the product. For Plastics and rubber (including TPR, TPE, and jellies), use a toothbrush to remove any caught debris and then clean with warm water and mild soap. And Leather is a highly porous material and can be difficult to clean. Using a damp, soapy washcloth, wipe down the material thoroughly and leave it to air dry.

Pros of Using Sex Toys

● Gain confidence

● Stimulate mind and body

● Enhance intimacy between partners

● Improve health, particularly cardiac-related

Cons of Using Sex Toys

● Excessive use can harm private parts

● Incorrect use can cause more harm than good

● Sex toys can pass STDs


How to Introduce Sex Toys to a Relationship?

It will help if you communicate openly with your partner to avoid this unnecessary shyness and old stereotypes. Tell him/her how you feel about your sex life and want to play more.

Naturally, it would help if you choose the right time to bring up the topic. Make sure it's when you're alone and most intimate. For instance, you can start the conversation before bed or after waking up.

Can Sex Toys Improve Sex Life?

Using sex toys can bring couples closer and increase their level of intimacy. What was once considered to be a solo activity, masturbation became a practice done by partners. Numerous couples can't have penetrative sex due to various problems. So, they can use sex toys to become close and enjoy sex again. Having sex is good for your health, and if you spice it up with a sex toy, it will bring more pleasure and excitement to your sex life.

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